Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

How an Attitude of Gratitude Makes Me a Better Person –
Top 10 Reasons to be Grateful

1.      I properly thank God for all that I am and have been given always and everywhere.  

2.      I realize God’s blessings and grace in my life. 

3.      When I am grateful for my family, neighbors and community and world – I am motivated to share and make the lives of others better in small ways and in large ways.

4.      I appreciate my gift of life – and am prompted to be the best version of myself that I can be.

5.      Giving thanks improves my mood and makes me into a more joyous person

6.      Being grateful makes me more understanding, empathetic and less judgmental of others.

7.      It prevents me from complaining about anyone and anything. 

8.      When I am thankful, I find a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

9.      It makes me think positive.

10.   I appreciate my material possessions more. It makes me realize how much material possessions I have.









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