Sunday, August 7, 2016

Getting Back to a New Normal

     UPDATE - Tuesday, July 21, 2020 
     The Age of COVID 19 continues, the virus is wrecking its havoc across America and the world. Wear a mask and be a sheeple or don't wear a mask and be a Trump Supporter. In beautiful, Alma Township, Jackson County, Wisconsin, USA - the virus is almost non-existent. In my family, no COVID cases, That does not mean no death. Death is always there. In fact, my daughter, Christine, has died in the very era unexpectedly. There is no gray area in the opinion police - everyone who says anything publically believes they are right. The virus will spread and render it's death and then someday it will go away. Maybe it will return....maybe not. Living in an pandemic is full of the unexpected, the new normal is everyday. So today, just today, as tomorrow is never given, I will pray, I will seek God, I will contemplate my eternal home.

     Life is full of unexpected changes that can really shake you up and make you really live consciously. At the time the change happens, this may be a difficult time and full of anxiety and sadness and loss. However, with time all those feelings fade and circumstances change. The daily routines become the new normal, not necessarily the desired normal, and change requires hard work. If I do nothing, nothing in my life will change. If I do not desire what I have and what I am doing how am I living my life fully? How am I becoming the best version of me?
     My husband and I had two unexpected events in our life which disrupted our normal life and really shook us up. Due to a lot of hard work, planning and intentional living, we were able to take a break and regroup on a slower pace and make life happen at a saner pace. We are getting through and by. Now it's time to up the game and make our life better. The last fifteen months have given me opportunities to pursue interests and activities that I always wanted to pursue. Like many, I have underestimated the time and effort required to make changes and live my life on my terms. It's easy to float through; it's requires real work to live intentionally.
    Self-awareness and self-acceptance and self-knowledge and truth require you to look at all areas of your life and access where you are at, where you want to be, and make a real factual plan to make the changes to get you where you want. One must always keep in mind what is most important and what really matters. Do you have a really big list of most important? About fifteen years ago, I made my big list and my list is God, Family, Work and Everything Else. Yes, that is my order and family trumps achievement in my career and earnings. I do not and will not measure my self worth with my financial worth. I can make numerous changes to balance what I want with the money issue. I can use my talents to make a homemade gift for people to enjoy instead of spending money at a big box store and contributing mostly to the Chinese and Saudi Arabian economies.
    Right now, I need to make one more major change in my life to get me where I want to be and where I need to be, What I know is that I can and I will. Sure it may not be easy. Of course, I will have trials and disappointments and failures. But, I will also have success and happiness and be able to look back and see the change in my and be happier with the person who I have become.


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