One thing I have become aware as a age, is that every person has a story. Many of us never know the other person real whole story. We are prejudiced by our own limited backgrounds, experience and education. It's just how life is. It's also easier to label all people based on experience with one of any group. Every person is an unique individual just as you are. We need to look at people at the individual level. Media, history and government loves to group and then make sloppy statements about the group and not see the individual.
The only possible change is at the individual level. Individuals can change their life. Furthermore, I believe change is only possible through pray and the grace of God. As we move to a bigger federal government and more intrusion into our life by government, we are very limited over the control we have in our life. We need to tune out the world and tune in God.
Life is about the the power of one. You want to change the world - change yourself, change your family, change the small communities you live and work and participate in. Change begins with showing up. You matter just be showing up. Until you show up - you can't do anything else. Do you show up at elections, mass, family gatherings, community events?
Back to the topic - I have a story - you have a story - we all have a story. We have all known joys, sorrows, triumphs and failures. There are days and times in our lives that have shaped and formed us. We are all trying hard to make it through.
I am glad I have found God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help and aid and guide me on my journey. I also know we have many who have fallen out of the game - there are way too many people who are addicts, imprisoned, homeless, jobless and otherwise disenfranchised. Let's stop the drama and work to make things better starting with me and spreading outwards to my family and neighbors. Let me be the best person I can be. Let me be good, kind, loving and polite.
I choose my husband and made a family. My story is GOD, FAMILY and then EVERYTHING ELSE including work. I have a great family I created. I come from a large, formidable birth family. I need to focus on making my little family and my birth family better. I have done the right thing and placed the highest value on family. I am glad I have made every decision to support my family because I have real authentic love and joy and happiness and my love is going on to another generation. I have been blessed with a grandson. (Now two grandsons.) My younger brother who is a multimillionaire who does not have his own little family, once told me I have everything - I have a grandson.
It's not just the plain, dull facts as in Sergeant Friday's "it's just the facts, ma'am", a whole lot of life is how you want to see it. If you want to be a victim, then you will be one and you will view life as a downtrodden. If you want to see yourself as a survivor, then you will live a lot more triumphantly. If you want to live victoriously, you will feel JOY.
What is your story and how are you telling it? We all get to make this choice - make a conscience decision and live courageously and in love, wisdom, peace and joy. We all make choices. Are you making the better choices, are you making choices that matter, are you making choices that are consistent with your values and beliefs? What will your story tell and what legacy are you leaving. You can change. You can change your family and community.
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