Saturday, November 8, 2014

Everyday, Everywhere, Every Person

  Everyday everywhere with every person I meet, I make an impression. That impression is either good, bad, or neutral. I am to be a blessing to all I meet and all who meet me should have an openness to blessing me. When asked, "How are you?" I desire to say with a genuine response that I am blessed.

     Yes, blessed in ways that I am not even aware of. I am an ingrate. I forget to say thank you, be polite, and wait my turn. I find it totally human to be a bore, to be rude, to bring out the worst in my fellow human being and myself.

     The other choice is to be a better angel and to be kind, considerate, thoughtful and to listen intently and to speak softly. I can always pray because pray changes me and when I am changed I can better aid a fellow suffering human. We all struggle. Many time likes fails to make sense. This is when I find my belief and faith in a BIG GOD enables me to trust HIM and continue on. Little things matter. I can do many things starting with a smile. You can do something and doing nothing is a cop out.

     Everyday, everywhere with every person I meet, I make a choice and can give and receive all the emotional well being and good feeling that I can give and need or I can choose to be a lesser human.

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