Wednesday, December 31, 2014

DREAM - Dream a Little Dream

     Many dream, some do and a few make it. Very few achieve at the highest levels of any profession regardless of talent and opportunity. Some do achieve both fame and fortune and they are very blessed indeed.
     I dream of being a renaissance women who has great intellect, talent and produces a great masterpiece. I love to channel the good Thomas Jefferson whose birthday I share. However, I am now considerably past middle age and have not achieved fame, fortune or notoriety.
     If I measure myself by the standards of Bach, Shakespeare and others greats, I am an abject failure. If I measure myself by a standard that I can bring joy, beauty and inspiration to others in small ways, I succeed every day. I start with my immediate family and reach outwards.
     All humans matter. Start where you are and affect the lives that you share. Many great men and women have failed terribly in their family relationships. Maybe being number one on the charts is great. However, failing at parenting really makes you a LOSER. Fame and fortune is wonderful; but, it's nothing if you are failing at what really matters.

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